I’m a teacher, researcher, writer, and translator, specialising in French and comparative literature, film, and theory. Currently based in Nova Scotia, Canada, as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at St Francis Xavier University, I was previously Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Melbourne, and received my PhD from the Romance Studies department at Cornell University. My work engages with a wide range of objects and methods - the 19th-21st century novel, film, television, phenomenology, political and social theory - but is united by an overarching interest in the capacities and limitations of subjective reflexivity. More concretely, I’ve published articles on the work of philosophers and political theorists such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Claude Lefort, and Karl Marx; authors such as Samuel Beckett, Gustave Flaubert, and Eça de Queiros; and filmmakers such as the Dardenne Brothers and Alfred Hitchcock. On this website you can learn about my research publications, translations, teaching, and more.